3 Tips For Supporting Your Toddler’s Learning

3 Tips For Supporting Your Toddler’s Learning

Toddlers are in an almost constant state of motion and movement and, as their newfound walking skills allow them to explore more, you might find that with this, they are becoming increasingly more interested in the world around them. 

Toddlers have a fierce sense of independence that spans from early morning to late evening and, as a parent, it can feel relentless at times. But, it is important to remember that this is simply because they’re growing and developing into young children. As your child continues to grow and develop, their daily needs and activities will change, too. If your toddler attends preschool or nursery, then this is even more true as they will be learning about things that might not be found in the home. 

If your toddler does attend preschool or nursery, then it is a good idea to help support their learning in any way you can at home. Not only does this help them to prepare more for starting school, but allows you to ensure that they are healthy and set up for their new journey. With that in mind, let’s take a look at some tips for supporting your toddler’s learning. 

Give Them Simple Chores

Giving your toddler simple, regular tasks can help to build their confidence and sense of competency and achievement. Whether it’s watering a plant in the home, taking clothes out of the dryer or feeding pets, simple everyday tasks can make toddlers feel more sure about themselves, especially when it comes to other tasks such as getting dressed, putting shoes on our pouring their own cereal. 

It’s important to remember that any task you assign to your toddler is manageable and gives them an actual sense of accomplishment and achievement, with your child feeling like a contributing member of the family. This will also help when they are in a school setting, as they’ll be more willing to contribute or offer to help when asked. 

Healthy Diet & Nutrition 

As toddlers aren’t growing physically as much as they were when they were babies, you will notice that their eating habits change. Instead of growing, they are developing their gross motor skills and refining their cognitive behaviour. As a result, they won’t need as much food, but are likely to be pickier when it comes to what they eat. 

The important thing to remember is to offer your toddler a variety of different, nutritious foods. This can include fruits, vegetables, proteins, starches and healthy fats. You don’t need to give big portions but just offer regular, good quality food. Milk and dairy products should still form a key part of your toddler’s diet, especially if your toddler is yet to turn 1, as full-fat dairy products can support their brain development. 

Toddlers love exploring different types of foods, so why not let them explore without restrictions by using some handy tools. Long length bibs with sleeves can be worn in highchairs and protect clothes from mess and spills that come at mealtimes. You might also find that toddlers eat better when sitting at a table with the family rather than in a highchair on their own at their dedicated mealtime. 

Ensuring that your toddler eats a well balanced and varied diet will help keep them interested and motivated in learning. Before they head to preschool, nursery or school, be sure to give them a few different foods to choose from, such as toast, yoghurt and fruit or pancakes and fruit. Remember that toddlers won’t go hungry, so if they don’t want to eat, avoid trying to coerce them into doing so. 

Praise Any Effort

Remember to offer your toddler lots and praise and encouragement when it comes to their development. If they attempt to do tasks, such as making their bed, brushing their teeth or get dressed on their own, avoid doing the tasks again and instead give them praise for attempting to do them on their own. The more you praise them for actively participating in doing better and wanting to achieve things on their own, the more motivated they will be to do so. Once your toddler recognises this sense of accomplishment and achievement, they’ll be much more likely to replicate this in their educational settings.