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Number and quality of backlinks is a very important SEO criteria since Boston, Cassandra and Dominic and their relevance didn’t decrease even with the latest harsh algorithm updates like Penguin, Panda, RankBank or Mobilegeddon. Backlinks’ relevance is the reason why web administrators and SEO experts need to build dozens of good quality white hat links in order to increase their page rank, which also leads to increased conversion and higher revenue.

Link building process can be a little bit tiresome, which is why developers decided to create link prospecting tools, which automatized the process and enabled link builders to find thousands of prospective link opportunities and retrieve website or blog administrators’ contact in just a few clicks. Link prospecting tools are currently one of the most popular software, SEO experts regularly use.

Benefits of Link Prospecting Tools

Before the first link prospecting tools were launched, link builders needed to use Google search syntaxes in order to find prospect websites. They also needed to look for each web administrator’s contact individually and place them in spreadsheets they needed to build and customize by themselves. On top of all that ranking possible prospects was much more confusing, which often resulted in mistakes and some great prospects were neglected. Generally speaking, link prospecting tools brought plenty of benefits to link builders, which include:

  • Saving time– with automatization of link prospecting process, link builders have more time for other constructive SEO activities.
  • Providing more realistic ranking– ranking prospects is one of the most difficult phases in link building process. Innovative tables and graphic solutions new generation link prospecting tools come with, make this process easier and more realistic.
  • Making outreach more effective– dozens of useful templates save link builders’ time and makes their outreach more personalized and niche-specific. One of the biggest benefits is that in lack of advanced template solutions, link prospecting tools provide, link builders tend to send copy/paste e mails to administrators of prospect websites, which drastically decreased their outreach strategy’s efficiency.
  • Making search more customized– whole bunch of different filters and metrics, each link prospecting tool comes with, make prospect tools more customized.

Next Gen Link Prospecting Tools

Future of Link Prospecting is happening Now

If you are into automotive industry, you probably know there is a big difference between 2014 Ford F150 and 2015 Ford F150. Link prospecting tools are no different, and currently we are witnessing the launch of new generation of link prospecting tools. Constant updates of this type of software, enables link builders to conduct more customized searches and easily filter out spam from search results. These are some of the advanced features new generation link prospecting tools usually come with:

  • Increased filtering functionality– prospect search becomes more customized and fine-grained.
  • Advanced tables and charts– since the launch of first generation link prospecting tools, a lot of things changed especially in graphic design field. New generation tools offer tables that are much easier to navigate and have a better perspective on each metric.
  • Less spam– new link prospecting tools have filters that can easily remove irrelevant website from search results. Most of them grade websites based on the number of spam links.
  • More advanced contact tables– one of the best features of link prospecting tools is creating contact tables. This way you don’t need to enter each website individually and search for administrator’s contact info. Tool does it for you and it creates interactive contact tables that drastically speed up your outreach;
  • Advanced outreach templates– sending copy/paste e mails to web administrators can have disastrous effect on overall outreach results. That’s why most new generation link prospecting tools come with great outreach templates, which allow link builders to save time and create more personalized e mails.

Like in all other SEO fields automatization makes link building process faster and more accurate. That is why all link builders need to adapt to the new generation software, if they want to keep their websites high in search results.
