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Using natural elements for decoration isn’t just for beach and country houses. City homes can benefit just as well from a nature-infused design scheme. Natural décor has been in use for thousands of years—many of the ruins we see today stand on beautiful foundations of natural stone such as marble and granite.  Having stood the test of time so well, natural elements are a décor concept that’s eternal.

The Beautiful Natural Design

The strongest selling point of using natural décor is that it has a stunning unadulterated beauty. Natural stone, for example, is so popular as a natural décor option because it has a gorgeous natural veining, color, and texture, and it automatically gives a room a classy, elegant vibe. Using natural accents like uniquely-shaped twigs, flowers, and shells in a room can also add a homey, rustic feel and brighten up the space with color.

The Versatility

Natural elements in home décor are not only beautiful—they are also useful. Baskets or basket-weaved furniture, for example, are aesthetically pleasing and add a great design element to almost any room, but they can also be used in storage and as light, sturdy seating. Natural stone sinks are a great way to turn a practical tool into something decorative as well. You can even string together shells and pebbles to make uniquely personal picture frames.

The Durability

Many of the materials we use in natural décor are very sturdy as they have already faced down extreme conditions in the outdoors.  Natural stone, in particular, has a reputation of standing up to strong heat and cold, making it ideal for use in areas of the home that are susceptible to such damage, like the kitchen.

The Lasting Power

Natural elements can last virtually forever. They are the kind of decoration that can age well. This is why natural stone, though expensive, is worth its weight in gold. Old homes have apparatus like stone sinks and stone floors that are still as good and new as they were centuries ago.

The Ease of Maintenance

Natural elements flourish as they are. They require little looking after—stone, notably, needs only regular wipe downs and polishing to stay shiny and clean. If you’re using plants as home décor, simply keep them healthy by regular watering and sunlight, and they will yield the most visually-satisfying results.

Using natural elements to decorate your home is inexpensive, gorgeous, and keeps you in touch with nature. But when you’re decorating with natural elements, always remember to have a vision for the overall look of the room or house, as it will help you determine the items you will need to obtain to get the desired look. Even natural décor can look messy when not planned out carefully. And don’t be afraid to own the design. Make it personal, so people can see you in the décor.
